Performances (selected)

9/24 Marseille, France, Supersonique Festival
Gesang der Sterne, electroacoustic music, played on a large acousmonium with 36 loudspeakers
12/23 Vienna, Austria, Reformierte Stadtkirche
Das Krippenlied Pans, arrangement for flute and harp
11/23 Nuremberg, Germany, Villa Teepe
Beta Lyrae for piano, performed by Anne-Kathrein Jordan
12/21 moers music, 50 Jahre Moers, 50 weeks – 50 greets, musikalische Flaschenpost
Pick up the Thread for piano, performed by Sebastian Berweck, online project (December 21 to December 22)
6/19 Rome/Italy, Biennale di arte scienza e cultura contemporanea
Goethe-Institut – Giardino basso, concerto-installatione opere elettroacustiche

production: DEGEM (German Society for Electroacoustic Music)
Raumklang 1 and 2, electroacoustic music for 6 loudspeakers
4/18 University of Massachusetts / USA, Turners Falls, Shea Theater and Springfield, Community Music School, Recital Hall
Terry Jenoure Group with Terry Jenoure – violin, voice, Jin Hi Kim – komongo, Sibylle Pomorin – flute, Angelica Sanchez – piano, Maria Mitchell – dance
6/17 New York/USA, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, Abrons Arts Center
Raumklang 1 and 2, electroacoustic music for 12 loudspeakers
11/16 Tokyo/Japan, Festival NWEAMO Tokyo 2016, Japanese Society for Sonic Arts
Zephyr, electroacoustic music
5/16 Hamburg, klingt gut! Symposium on Sound, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
Raumklang 1 and 2, electroacoustic music for 6 loudspeakers
11/15 Berlin, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Studio 1, Sound Art Festival Echoes+Nets
Raumklang 1 and 2, electroacoustic music for 6 loudspeakers
8/15 Skagaströnd/Iceland, Museum of Prophecies
Magic Flute, improvisation, flute solo
2/15 Vorarlberg/Austria, Vereinshaus Göfis and Kulturbühne Schruns
Punk Nr. 9 for Big Band
12/14 Tbilisi/Georgia, Conservatory of Music
Zahlenspiele for piano solo; concert, CD and book presentation, promoted by Ministry of Culture/Georgia
2010-13 Performances with the improvisation group Trio Schallwerk
Sibylle Pomorin - flute/tenor saxophone, Felicitas Eickelberg - piano, Julius Heise - vibraphone/drums
1/12 Rheinsberg, Germany, Castle Theater of the Landesmusikakademie
Fréquence du Solfège for flute, performed by Katherine Spencer
Sheet music publication in the book 70 Rheinsberger Solfeggien
Ein Flötenbuch für Friedrich II.
7/11 Neuhardenberg, former barracks site
Spieluhr/Wandelkonzert for flute solo as part of the interdisciplinary art project Endmoräne e.V.
4/10 Essen, Alta Vita Social Club, DEGEM DEGEM (on the occasion of European Capital of Culture)
10vorne – Salon for electroacoustic music
Kindness Glides about my House and Mantra, electroacoustic music
3/10 Cardiff/Wales, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Electroacoustic Symposium 2010, SAW (Sonic Artists in Wales)
Mo(u)vements, electroacoustic music for 8 loudspeakers
11/09 Regina/Canada, Festival Assemblage
Mo(u)vements, electroacoustic music
11/08 Würzburg, Flammabis Musiktage; 4. Frankfurter Herbsttage für Neue Komposition
kühl blau for alto flute, guitar, drums/percussion
9/08 Monterrey/Mexico, Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea Monterrey
Duo for bass clarinet and piano
5/07 Mexico City/Mexico, Foro International de Musica Nueva Manuel Enriquez, Centro Nacional de las Artes
Duo for bass clarinet and piano
11/06 Berlin, International Women’s Festival
L1014 for drums/percussion solo
9/06 Berlin, Willy-Brandt-Haus, Synopse 06
L1014 for drums/percussion solo
5/06 Berlin, Academy of Arts
Spiegelung for chamber ensemble, three improvising musicians and electroacoustic music for 8 loudspeakers with Herb Robertson (tp, New York), Kim Clarke (e-bass, New York), Chris Cutler (drums/percussion, London)
10/05 Mannheim, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Studio Neue Musik
DUO for bass clarinet and piano
4/05 Brussels/Belgium,, Festival
Erzählung for violoncello solo
10/04 Frankfurt, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst
Zahlenspiele for piano solo
10/04 Berlin, Pyramidale - festival of new music and interdisciplinary art events
Der Mond und der Eibenbaum for string quartet and saxophone quartet
9/04 Höfgen, Festival “was hören wir?”
Klanglandschaft mit Fluss for piano, cello, drums/percussion, (CD at 2 movements)
5/03 Rheinsberg, Schlosstheater, Pfingstwerkstatt Neue Musik der Landesmusikakademie
Mo(u)vements for piano trio, electroacoustic music for 8 loudspeakers, video installation and light installation
2/03 Berlin, Unerhörte Musik, BKA-Theater
Mo(u)vements for piano trio
8/02 Berlin, Academy of Arts, Festival “Lange Nacht der elektronischen Klänge”
Mo(u)vements, electroacoustic music for 8 loudspeakers
7/02 Melbourne/Australia, Australasian Computer Music Conference
The Secret of PPP, electroacoustic music for 8 loudspeakers
3/02 Montreal/Canada, Université Concordia, International Women's Listening Room
The Secret of PPP, electroacoustic music for 8 loudspeakers
12/01 Berlin, Academy of Arts
Hommage for mixtur-trautonium, clarinet, bass clarinet, violin, violoncello, harp, 2 drummers and CD with the edited sounds of the trautonium (performed by the Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin)
11/00 Erlangen, Hörkunstfestival
Divining by Looking in the Water, electroacoustic music / soundscape for 8 loudspeakers arranged in a circle and Prayer for the Sun Before Traveling (radio piece)
8/00 Berlin, International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), St. Mathew's Church
Divining by Looking in the Water, electroacoustic music / soundscape for 8 loudspeakers
11/99 Amsterdam/Netherlands, Rozentheater, Festival “Soundscapes voor 2000”
Prayer for the Sun Before Traveling, radio piece for soprano, bass flute, drums/percussion,
field recordings in little villages in Mexico and Divining by Looking in the Water, electroacoustic music / soundscape for 8 loudspeakers
4/98 London/UK, City University, Symposium & Festival “New Intercultural Music”
Lecture with music examples
6/97 Berlin, Parochialkirche, Klangmesse Neue Musik Berlin
Divining by Looking in the Water, electroacoustic music / soundscape for 8 loudspeakers arranged in a circle
3/96 Berlin, Werkstatt der Kulturen
Istanbuler Kompositionen with musicians from Istanbul and Berlin (ud, kanun, tanbur, violin, viola, cello)
12/93 Berlin, Podewil, Stipendiatenkonzerte
Phonismen for 2 violoncelli and live electronics
11/93 Kleisttheater Frankfurt/Oder, Staatstheater Cottbus, Berlin, Tacheles
Der Gedichtemacher (music theatre)
11/92 Berlin, Frauenmusikfestival “wie es ihr gefällt”
Rockefeller Building (co-composition with the keyboarder and composer Iris ter Schiphorst and the dancer and choreographer Sascha Waltz)
9/92 Budapest/Hungary, Festival of Contemporary Music
Free improvisations with Christoph Winkel - double bass, Jason Kahn - drums, Sibylle Pomorin - flute, alto and tenor saxophone
11/91 Berlin, Jazzfest
4 Songs for and with the Sibylle Pomorin/Terry Jenoure Project with Terry Jenoure (violin, voice, New York), Sibylle Pomorin (flute, saxophone, Berlin), Herb Robertson (tp, flh, New York), Annie Whitehead (tb, London), Kim Clarke (e-bass, NewYork), Christy Doran (e-guit, Lausanne), Kamal Sabir (dr, New York)
10/91 Donaueschingen, Musiktage
Phantastische Gebete, MHz, Somnambule, Am Anfang ist das Ende for a ten-piece-group with musicians from East and West Berlin
9/91 Münster, International Jazz Festival
Phantastische Gebete, MHz, Somnambule
9/91 Lisboa/Portugal, Fondation Gulbekian
Free improvisations with the Feminist Improvising Group (musicians from Europe and USA, with among others Irene Schweizer, Joèlle Léandre, Lindsay Cooper, Maggie Nicols, Karen Borca)
2/91 Paris/France, Jazzclub Dunois
Free improvisations with german and french musicians
9/90 Berlin, Germany, Haus der Sowjetischen Wissenschaft und Kultur
Phantastische Gebete, for an ensemble made up of musicians from East and West Berlin
9/90 Cologne, Germany, International Jazz Festival
Concepts, compositions and improvisations in duo with the Swiss singer and multi-instrumentalist Corin Curschellas
7/90 Rostock, International Jazz Festival
Solo improvisations (flute, alto and tenor saxophone, live electronics)
7/90 Berlin, Jazz in the Garden
Duo improvisations along with Günther “Baby” Sommer (drums/percussion)
5/90 Moers, International Festival
Songs and improvisations for and with the group Perfect Trouble with Maggie Nicols (voice, London), Tom Cora (cello, New York), Chris Cutler (drums London), Klaus Wilmanns (double bass, Berlin)
5/90 Nickelsdorf/Austria, International Festival
Songs and improvisations with the group Perfect Trouble
4/90 Wiesbaden, ARTist
4 Pieces for one Player and Field Recordings (flute, alto and tenor saxophone, field recordings)
4/90 Tel Aviv/Israel, Goethe Institut, Haifa, Beit She’an, Festival Vocalisa
Songs and improvisations for and with Ulrike Janssen and the Sibylle Pomorin Quartet
3/90 Berlin, Theater im Palast, (Palast der Republik/Palace of the Republic)
RabenGoldGoldRaben, tape composition, Tanzcompagnie Rubato
12/89 Grenoble/France, International Festival
Free improvisations with the group Perfect Trouble
6/89 Berlin, Jazz in the Garden
Duo improvisations along with the pianist Irene Schweizer
10/88 Rive de Gier/France, Festival
Compositions for and with the Jazzorchester Reichlich Weiblich with musicians from all over Germany
9/88 Berlin, Festival Furiosa
Polyme for a 12-piece-group (musicians from Europe and USA, with among others Irene Schweizer, Joèlle Léandre, Maggie Nicols, Terry Jenoure, Ulrike Haage, Annemarie Roelofs)
7/88 Den Haag/Netherlands, North Sea Jazz Festival
Compositions with the Jazzorchester Reichlich Weiblich with musicians from all over Germany
2/88 Nijmegen/Netherlands, Radio Hilversum
Compositions and improvisations for and with the Sibylle Pomorin Quartet with musicians from Paris and Berlin
9/87 Heidelberg, International Jazz Festival
Duo improvisations along with the pianist Irene Schweizer
6/87 Moers, International Festival
Compositions for and with the Jazzorchester Reichlich Weiblich
6/87 Tour throughout East Germany (GDR), 2 weeks
with musicians from East and West Germany and Italy
5/87 Vienna/Austria, University
Concepts, compositions and improvisations in duo with Ulrike Haage (piano and composition)
4/87 Stuttgart, Theaterhaus-Festival
Compositions and improvisations with the Sibylle Pomorin Quartet and compositions with the Jazzorchester Reichlich Weiblich
4/86 Münster, Germany, Municipal Theater
Worum geht’s eigentlich, dance theater/multimedia performance
2/86 Frankfurt, International Jazz Festival
Compositions and improvisations for and with the Sibylle Pomorin Quartet with musicians from Paris and Berlin
9/83 Frankfurt, Jazzkeller (two tours throughout Germany, approx. 24 concerts)
Free improvisations along with Peter Brötzmann, Jay Oliver and Willy Kellers
10/82 Wuppertal, die börse
Quartet with Conny Bauer, William Parker, Dietrich Rauschtenberger, Sibylle Pomorin